Jason Wiesinger, USDA-ARS
Jason Wiesinger

Jason has been working with the USDA for over a decade, initially brought into agency to research the genetic architecture of cooking time and iron nutrition in beans collected from Africa and the Caribbean.  This led to the discovery of new and unique traits that are used to enhance the nutritional value of beans, while also strengthening the agronomic and end-use quality of beans to appeal to consumers in global markets.  The goal is to develop new fast cooking bean and pulse varieties that have enhanced iron, zinc and folate nutrition for the prevention of anemia, especially in regions where beans and pulses are consumed regularly.  Jason conducted research and was an instructor at the Pennsylvania State University and Michigan State University for several years before joining the agency.  His research is expanding into the nutritional benefits of all pulses, with the hope that beans and pulses can be recognized globally as an affordable and sustainable delivery system for micronutrients in populations that rely on plant-based diets.