The global demand for plant protein ingredients is booming – from $7.2B today to an estimated $8.6B in 2025. At present, the Australian food industry is fully dependent on plant protein ingredient imports from China, Europe, and the USA. The manufacture of plant protein ingredients in Australia is a recent venture, with relatively small installations located in Southern Australia and none in Northern Australia. However, by 2030 Australia is projected to require 169,000 tonnes of plant-based estimated at $3B. At the same time, more than 1.8 million tonnes of grains and pulses are estimated to be lost in Australia as by-products in farm and processing operations. All this represents major losses that could otherwise bring much higher returns to growers while being transformed into high-value specialty plant protein ingredients such as flours, concentrates, isolates, and texture vegetable protein, as well as specialty oils, among other co-products for feed, fiber, soil, and energy.
This presentation will showcase CSIRO’s plant-based industrial research across Australia to develop new ingredient chains. CSIRO’s capability will be highlighted through company case studies which translate research and development in plant-based and precision fermentation ingredients, as well as product applications, into the industrial and market context.