Summit Chair
Dr. Anne Louise Dannesboe Nielsen has been working with food research and innovation for the past more than 10 years, securing that the latest innovations are brought into action in the industry. Currently, Dr. Nielsen is heading the food technology center at DTI, where 30 food innovators everyday strive to develop the food plant-based of tomorrow.
Presentation Description
Umima-additives to plant-based meat analogs are an important part of creating tasty and delicious products. Evaluating/analyzing the taste and correlating it to consumer demands is a tough challenge. In this study, we have tested out four different umami additives in a burger patty formulation. For the evaluation, a great toolkit for combining sensory panelist data with consumer data has been developed and the methodology behind this will be presented.
The 2023 Bridge2Food Summits Goals are to:
1. Provide key insights on how to accelerate connectivity in the plant-based foods & protein value chains
2. Define the Global Research Investment Agenda
3. Bring together the key value chain leaders to share visions and define a joint mission
4. Connect all stakeholders
5. Drive collaboration efforts
Each Summit will contribute to the SDG’s by focusing on the following themes:
- Affordability
- Healthy Diets & Nutrition
- Delicious Foods
- Sustainability
These themes will be part of focused Summit Tracks like:
- Track I: Consumer & Industry Challenges
- Track II: Delicious Food Innovations
- Track III: Sustainable Process Innovations