Tom is an Industry Manager at Euromonitor International with a focus on food and nutrition. Based in London, he has more than 15 years of experience in research.
Tom is responsible for the direction and quality of Euromonitor’s content covering Fresh Food and Staple Foods and provides global expertise, forward-thinking insights, and identifies key market trends.
Tom advises clients across Fresh Foods and Staple Foods and is an in-demand speaker at high-profile events. He provides wide-scope analysis and is the author of publications including The Future of Meat and The Impact of COVID-19 on Fresh and Packaged Food.
Presentation Description
Understand shifting consumer behavior in the consumption of alternatives, identify challenges and opportunities, and discover the motivations behind plant-based food choices.
Panel Description
This panel discussion will focus on:
1. What is your overall impression of the plant-based food industry’s health today? We hear it’s struggling from the media and the stock market, but what are your perspectives based on your personal interactions with customers, manufacturers, and retailers throughout the supply chain?
2. In the last 3 to 5 years, what has been the largest positive turning point for plant-based foods, that has enabled entry into the mainstream, and what is the largest impediment for growth that exists today?
3. What can the industry do better or differently to cultivate the next stage of category adopters? Is it product quality? Is it messaging? Is it retailer support? Is product assortment too narrow and commoditized? Or are there others elements that are relevant?
4. Are there cultural considerations across the world that need to be addressed in how the plant-based market is developed? Meat substitutes vs. seafood substitutes? Are there learnings from plant foods’ success in Europe that can be applied to develop the markets in the U.S. and Asia?
5. What is your expectation as to how current ingredients and processing technologies can be improved, to enhance taste and/or texture? How close is the industry to commercializing next generation approaches and what do you believe will be the most impactful innovation?