Francisco Guerreiro has been a member of the European Parliament for the Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/ALE) group since 2019.
In Brussels, he works as a full member of the Committees on Budgets, Fisheries, and Agriculture and as an alternate member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection. He was the 1st vice-chairman of the Agriculture and Rural Development Commission between June 2019 and January 2022.
He was a member of the extinct Special Commission of Inquiry on the Transport of Live Animals. He is part of the Delegation for Relations with the Korean Peninsula and Japan. In addition, he is Intergroup Vice President for Animal Welfare and Conservation and is part of the LGBTI Intergroup. He is also a member of the United Nations Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition (FAO) in the European Parliament.
Now, the main topics that Francisco Guerreiro is currently working on the EP are animal welfare issues, plant-based alternatives to meat and fish consumption, protection of the Oceans (namely pushing for a global moratorium on deep sea mining), climate change, biodiversity protection and restoration and circular economy.
Presentation Description
This panel discussion will focus on:
- How to transform the primary/agricultural sector?
- Policy: What can politicians do to help to transform the agricultural system (regulations, subsidies, farmer buy-outs, CO2 taxes)?
- Farmers: Are farmers willing and economically able to reduce their number of livestock drastically (70%)?
- World market: How does the global community need to act on this? Let’s say one country reduces livestock production, wouldn’t the supermarkets just import from other countries?