I’ve got a Master's Degree in Food Science and Technology (University of Padua), 2 years as a Lab Technician for food analysis to prevent food fraud in the Italian Market, 6 years in Pavan (now called GEA PEM) as a Food Technologist in the Technology Center and in charge of the industrial plant commissioning, 2 years in the Sales Dept. (same Company) managing Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh areas, then Sales Department in a machine manufacturer company for Bakery European Market and since January 2021 Director of the Technology Center at GEA PEM as Head of Process Technology. Head of Process Technology for Pasta & Snacks – Business Unit PEM, Pasta Extrusion, and Milling
Panel description
This panel will focus on:
- What are the challenges in both upstream & downstream processing when it comes to sustainability, and costs (i.e. energy/water use?)
o Sustainability/Energy Efficiency
o Capital/Operating Costs
o Cascade Processing/Side stream Valorization
o Collaboration between different players
o Product/Ingredient quality and consistency
-Why is there a need for collaboration between upstream & downstream processing companies?
- What are the possible innovations & solutions – and how can upstream & downstream processes complement each other?
o Energy efficiency (drying, milling, extrusion)
o New equipment innovations (spray drying vs ring drying)
o Fermentation
o How to integrate different techniques to optimize solutions?
- How to integrate to optimize solutions?
o What do the customers demand? What do they want?