Michael McGoldrick is the North American market manager for industrial biotech, starch, and protein at GEA Mechanical Equipment where he specializes in centrifuge applications. He started at GEA in August 2014 as a regional sales engineer and assumed his current position in 2020. Michael is excited to work with both biotechnologists and food processors as they develop products that meet consumer needs. He is a graduate of the University of Kansas and holds a B.S. in chemical engineering.
Presentation description
The full production line from flour intake to spray-drying of plant based proteins will be discussed, with special focus on the processing steps having an influence on the functionality of the final protein powders.
The presentation starts with a short introduction on the wet separation basics. Thereafter, different heat treatment as well as spray drying technologies will be explained, emphasizing the effect of those technologies on final protein properties.
There will be examples on how those technologies can be used to change powder properties as well as how they affect behaviour and viscosity of the powders in aqueous dispersions.