Leading business development efforts across the Protein Solutions business with a particular focus on alternative plant proteins and the meat alternative segment. Driving differentiated business management across product families to drive optimal profitability and continued product/mix improvements. Implementing strategic go-to-market initiatives to further differentiate best-in-class specialty ingredients status. 24 Years at IFF within the legacy soy protein companies (DuPont, Solae, Protein Technologies International). Previous roles across various technical leadership functions (Innovation/Applications, Process R&D, Operations, 8th Continent DuPont/General Mills JV). S., Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, 1998 (Management Minor).
Panel Description
This panel discussion will focus on:
• What is your overall impression of the plant-based food industry’s health today? We hear it’s struggling from the media and the stock market but is there another side of the story from the supply chain and private investors?
•Do cultural factors influence rates of adoption of plant-based meat among countries?
• What can the plant-based meat industry learn from the continued growth of plant-based beverages?
• How does the industry cultivate the next stage of plant-based adopters?
• How will the next generation of plant-based products differ from those currently available?