Consumer & Industry Track (Track I) Co-Chair
Marie Breysse: Head of Innovation at Shakeup Factory with 15 years of experience at Unilever in brand development, communication & marketing strategy, and innovation - turned intrapreneur in 2015 where she managed the creation and development of ventures inside the internal Unilever food incubator.
Presentation Description
The Aims of the Consumer & Industry Track are to create shared visions on:
1. What are the key industry trends moving forward to 2024?
2. How relevant are themes like Affordability, Healthy Diets & Nutrition, Delicious Foods, and Sustainability.
3. What will drive consumers to buy more plant-based foods? How relevant is the climate when shopping for food?
4. What is the perspective of retail and food service? More importantly, what can we learn from data? What do the numbers teach us?
5. What is needed to crack the nuts for consumers when we talk vegan cheese, meat-free, fish-free, and egg-free?
What are the Outcomes of the Consumer & Industry Track? Which shared visions have been created on:
1. What are the key industry trends moving forward to 2024?
2. How relevant are themes like Affordability, Healthy Diets & Nutrition, Delicious Foods, and Sustainability?
3. What will drive consumers to buy more plant-based foods? How relevant is the climate when shopping for food?
4. What is the perspective of retail and food service? More importantly, what can we learn from data? What do the numbers teach us?
5. What is needed to crack the nuts for consumers when we talk vegan cheese, meat-free, fish,-free and egg-free?"