Lutz Grossmann is an Assistant Professor in the Food Science Department at UMass Amherst since 2021. He graduated with a Ph.D. in food science from the University of Hohenheim in Germany. He also holds a BS and MS degree in Food Science and Biotechnology. He is especially interested in combining upstream and downstream processing technology with molecular, physicochemical, and engineering concepts to create food textures with plant and microbial proteins that are nutritious, sustainable, and tasty. His research is funded by USDA, and the Good Food Institute.
Presentation Description
The year of Accelerating Value Chain Connectivity The focus of the plant-based foods & proteins ecosystems will be on the acceleration of connectivity between value chains. How to connect more consumers, retailers, food-service operators, brands, ingredient & technology suppliers, research institutes, universities, growers, breeders, finance and venture capital providers, and other key stakeholders such as regional, national, and international (N)GO’s? All actors are ready to play a part in the protein transition. So, what is needed to accelerate? A joint mission, a shared vision, a working plan? The UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 are the end goals. The protein transition can have a major impact on the following goals: - Zero Hunger: Great impact can be achieved globally, in the developed and lesser-developed world, when plant-based foods become more affordable. - Good Health and Well-Being: A transition to a plant-based foods diet and nutrition will contribute to better health and well-being - Responsible Consumption and Production: Sustainable plant-based food production systems and diets can contribute to a healthier planet - Climate Action: Shifting animal-based consumption and production system to plant-based have a much higher impact on climate compared to the currently used tools to mitigate the temperature increase on our planet - Life on Land: A higher consumption of plant-based foods can free up valuable land for nature The 2022 Bridge2Food Summits Goals are to: 1. Provide key insights on how to accelerate connectivity in the plant-based foods & protein value chains 2. Define the Global Research Investment Agenda 3. Bring together the key value chain leaders to share visions and define a joint mission 4. Connect all stakeholders 5. Drive collaboration efforts Each Summit will contribute to the SDG’s by focussing on the following themes: - Affordability - Healthy Diets & Nutrition - Delicious Foods - Sustainability These themes will be part of focussed Summit Tracks like: - Track I: Consumer & Industry Challenges - Track II: Delicious Food Innovations - Track III: Sustainable Process Innovations